All publicly available software that I maintain is available on Github.

Blackbird: rapid floodplain mapping technology
A software for efficient hydraulic modelling and floodplain mapping, including for regional-scale modelling.
The software is available as an R package, primarily for pre-processing of geospatial data (see Zenodo) and as a compiled program for operational use.
Availability: Heron Webpage

RavenR: tool for Raven Hydrological Modelling Framework
An R software package
for pre- and post-processing of Raven input and output. It includes a wide range of tools for hydrologic analysis.
Even with very little knowledge of R, you can put together a simple workflow script to run the model and
produce visual output or initially set up a Raven model by importing meteorological and streamflow data.
Availability: Github, CRAN
External Links: RavenR.extras, Raven Webpage.
Raven Hydrological Modelling Framework
Raven is a robust and flexible hydrological modelling framework, designed for application to challenging hydrological problems in academia and practice. Raven is developed by the Raven Development Team, led by Dr. James R. Craig.
This fully object-oriented code provides complete flexibility in spatial discretization, interpolation, process representation, and forcing function generation.
The Raven project is also free and open source software, and is actively used in both academia and practice.
Availability: Raven Webpage
External Links: Raven Forum.
CSHShydRology: additional functionality for the RavenR package
This is an R package of functions used by Canadian hydrologists.
The name is in recognition of the support provided by the Canadian Association Society for Hydrological Sciences (CSHS) which is
an affiliated society of the Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA).
Availability: Github
External Links: CSHS GreyJay.
tRaining: introduction to R materials
An R repository with materials for new R users to walkthrough. Original version of these materials were presented at a CSHS-hydRology webinar in May 2019, adapted from materials provided by Dr. Kevin Shook; other helpful materials are available on the Github page for the CentreforHydrology.
Availability: Github
External Links: CSHS-hydRology Introduction to R Webinar.