
My PhD thesis is on the topic of hydrologic model identifiability. You can find detailed information about my publications, software, and other work on my CV.

Hydrologic Modelling and Calibration

I work with James R. Craig and Bryan A. Tolson to develop improved methods for hydrological modelling. My current research area involves working with the blended model structure, introduced by Mai et. al. (2020) and available within the Raven Hydrologic Modelling Framework.


Chlumsky, R., Mai, J., Craig, J. R., and Tolson, B. A. (2023): Advancement of a blended hydrologic model for robust model performance. Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences Discussions (preprint). doi:10.5194/hess-2023-69

preprint full text, Github repo to be posted.

Chlumsky, R., Craig, J. R., Lin, S. G. M., Grass, S., Scantlebury, L., Brown, G., and Arabzadeh, R.: RavenR v2.1.4: an open-source R package to support flexible hydrologic modelling, Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 7017–7030,, 2022.

full text, Github repo

Chlumsky, R., Mai, J., Craig, J. R., and Tolson, B. A. (2021): Simultaneous calibration of hydrologic model structure and parameters using a blended model. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR029229. doi:10.1029/2020WR029229

full text, Github repo

Craig, J. R., Brown, G., Chlumsky, R., Jenkinson, R. W., Jost, G., Lee, K., Tolson, B. A. (2020). Flexible watershed simulation with the Raven hydrological modelling framework. Environmental Modelling & Software, 129, 104728. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104728

full text

Anderson, E., Chlumsky, R., McCaffrey, D., Trubilowicz, J., Shook, K. R., Whitfield, P. H. (2018). R-functions for Canadian Hydrologists: a Canada-wide collaboration. Canadian Water Resources Journal.

full text


Chlumsky. R. (2017). Rigorous Validation of Hydrologic Models in Support of Decision-Making. UWSpace.

full text