rvn_hyd_plot creates a hydrograph plot object for the supplied flow series, or equivalently a stage plot for reservoir stages.

  sim = NULL,
  obs = NULL,
  inflow = NULL,
  precip = NULL,
  prd = NULL,
  winter_shading = FALSE,
  wsdates = c(12, 1, 3, 31)



time series object of simulated flows


time series object of observed flows


time series object of inflows to subbasin


time series object of precipitation


period to use in plotting


optionally adds shading for winter months (default FALSE)


integer vector of winter shading period dates (see details)



returns ggplot plot object


Creates a hydrograph plot using the supplied time series; any series not supplied will not be plotted. If the precip time series is supplied, the secondary y axis will be used to plot the precip time series.

The function assumes that the supplied time series have the same length and duration in time. If this is not true, then the defined period or period calculated from the first available flow series will be used to determine the plotting limits in time. If the data is used directly from Raven output, this is not a concern. The supplied time series should be in xts format, which again can be obtained directly by using the hyd.extract function.

The winter_shading argument will add a transparent grey shading for the specified period by wsdates in each year that is plotted.

wsdates is formatted as c(winter start month, winter start day, winter end month, winter end day).

Note that a plot title is purposely omitted in order to allow the automatic generation of plot titles.

See also

rvn_flow_spaghetti to create a spaghetti plot of annual flow series

rvn_hyd_extract to extract time series from Raven objects


# load sample hydrograph data, two years worth of sim/obs
ff <- system.file("extdata","run1_Hydrographs.csv", package="RavenR")
run1 <- rvn_hyd_read(ff)
sim <- run1$hyd$Sub36
obs <- run1$hyd$Sub36_obs
precip <- run1$hyd$precip

# create a nice hydrograph
#> Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).

# create a hydrograph with precip as well;
#> Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_bar()`).
#> Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).

# create a hydrograph with precip as well for a specific subperiod
prd <- "2003-10-01/2004-10-01"

# add the winter shading
rvn_hyd_plot(sim,obs,precip=precip,prd=prd, winter_shading=TRUE)

# change winter shading dates (Nov 1st to April 15th)
rvn_hyd_plot(sim,obs,precip=precip,prd=prd, winter_shading=TRUE, wsdates=c(11,1,4,15))