rvn_flow_spaghetti creates a spaghetti plot of the flow series provided.




time series object of simulated flows



return TRUE if the function is executed properly


Creates a spaghetti plot of the annual flow series in each year of data provided. The flows are plotted for each water year of data available, set as October 1st.

Note that the plotting to the day of year is approximate in order to simplify the plotting of leap years and non-leap years. The years are plotted including day 366 and starting on day 274, regardless of whether it is a leap year or not. This is likely without consequence in seeing the trends between water years, however the user is warned of this deficiency.

The flow series provided should be of time series (xts) format.

Note that a plot title is purposely omitted in order to allow the automatic generation of plot titles.

See also

rvn_flow_scatterplot to create a scatterplot of flow values


# load sample hydrograph data, two years worth of sim/obs

# create spaghetti plot of simulated flows

# create spaghetti plot of observed flows
#> Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).