Applies the base::max function across columns.

cmax(x, na.rm = FALSE)



object to apply the max function to


whether to remove na values from the calculation


x with the max value in each column determined


It applies the base::max function over columns, which is advantageous for calculating the max within a column rather than the max of the whole data frame. The default base::max will not work properly for data frames and other structures in applying over columns or different periods.

This function was included for usage with the apply.<period> and rvn_apply_wyearly function, as the base::max function does not work properly across columns.

See also

rvn_apply_wyearly where this function can be applied for the water year, and the xts functions such as apply.yearly and apply.monthly


cmax(rvn_hydrograph_data$hyd$Sub43_obs, na.rm=TRUE)
#> Sub43_obs 
#>       258 

rvn_apply_wyearly(rvn_hydrograph_data$hyd, cmax, na.rm=TRUE)
#>                      precip    Sub36 Sub36_obs    Sub43 Sub43_obs
#> 2003-09-30 04:00:00 32.2238  98.0247      74.4  99.6387       103
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00 34.7881 156.0300     168.0 160.7270       258