rvn_apply_wyearly calculates a function FUN for the periods defined by the water year, similar to other functions of the form apply.<time period>, for example apply.daily, apply.monthly, etc.

rvn_apply_wyearly(x, FUN, ..., mm = 9, dd = 30)



xts vector to calculate FUN for


the function to be applied


optional arguments to FUN


month of water year ending (default 9)


day of water year ending (default 30)


The default water year start is October 1st, but may be adjusted with the mm and dd arguments. The values for mm and dd indicate the end of the water year period (i.e. mm=9 and dd=30 indicates a new water year on Oct 1).

Note that if using FUN=mean, please use FUN=colMeans instead.

See also

rvn_wyear_indices for obtaining endpoints in the water year


# use sample forcing data (or use forcings_read to read in ForcingFunctions.csv)

# apply mean (with colMeans) as FUN to daily average temperature
#>                     temp_daily_ave
#> 2003-09-30 04:00:00       6.177794
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00       6.931585

# apply mean as FUN to all forcings
#>                     day_angle     rain      snow     temp temp_daily_min
#> 2003-09-30 04:00:00  3.141640 1.469701 0.3513806 6.177794       1.359503
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00  3.141037 2.082020 0.2436921 6.931585       2.209062
#>                     temp_daily_max temp_daily_ave temp_monthly_min
#> 2003-09-30 04:00:00       10.99609       6.177794         -33333.3
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00       11.65411       6.931585         -33333.3
#>                     temp_monthly_max air.dens air.pres rel.hum cloud.cover
#> 2003-09-30 04:00:00         -33333.3 1.206490 97.02194     0.5           0
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00         -33333.3 1.202985 97.03452     0.5           0
#>                     ET.radiation SW.radiation LW.radiation wind.vel      PET
#> 2003-09-30 04:00:00     316.8497     238.5254    -64.25976        2 2.177175
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00     316.9300     238.5925    -63.84922        2 2.185220
#>                       OW.PET daily.correction potential.melt
#> 2003-09-30 04:00:00 2.177175                1       29.18804
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00 2.185220                1       30.80885

# apply maximum via RavenR::cmax as FUN to all forcings (takes the max in each column)
## note that the base::max will not work properly here
#>                     day_angle    rain    snow    temp temp_daily_min
#> 2003-09-30 04:00:00   6.27458 32.2238 8.62851 25.2944        20.0068
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00   6.27458 34.7881 6.71767 24.5248        21.1044
#>                     temp_daily_max temp_daily_ave temp_monthly_min
#> 2003-09-30 04:00:00        30.8448        25.2944         -33333.3
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00        29.8234        24.5248         -33333.3
#>                     temp_monthly_max air.dens air.pres rel.hum cloud.cover
#> 2003-09-30 04:00:00         -33333.3  1.33513  97.2976     0.5           0
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00         -33333.3  1.33700  97.2879     0.5           0
#>                     ET.radiation SW.radiation LW.radiation wind.vel     PET
#> 2003-09-30 04:00:00      485.248      369.573     -36.6262        2 6.30455
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00      485.248      371.919     -38.2550        2 5.68431
#>                      OW.PET daily.correction potential.melt
#> 2003-09-30 04:00:00 6.30455                1        118.251
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00 5.68431                1        111.782

# apply to Australian water year (July 1)
rvn_apply_wyearly(rvn_forcing_data$forcings,cmax,na.rm=TRUE, mm=6, dd=30)
#>                     day_angle    rain    snow    temp temp_daily_min
#> 2003-06-30 04:00:00   6.27458 32.2238 8.62851 25.0006        20.0068
#> 2004-06-30 04:00:00   6.27458 34.7881 6.71767 25.2944        19.7439
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00   4.67805 26.3546 0.00000 24.5248        21.1044
#>                     temp_daily_max temp_daily_ave temp_monthly_min
#> 2003-06-30 04:00:00        30.2276        25.0006         -33333.3
#> 2004-06-30 04:00:00        30.8448        25.2944         -33333.3
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00        29.3994        24.5248         -33333.3
#>                     temp_monthly_max air.dens air.pres rel.hum cloud.cover
#> 2003-06-30 04:00:00         -33333.3  1.33513  97.2945     0.5           0
#> 2004-06-30 04:00:00         -33333.3  1.33700  97.2976     0.5           0
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00         -33333.3  1.18121  97.2879     0.5           0
#>                     ET.radiation SW.radiation LW.radiation wind.vel     PET
#> 2003-06-30 04:00:00      485.248      369.573     -37.2143        2 6.30455
#> 2004-06-30 04:00:00      485.248      371.919     -36.6262        2 5.89993
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00      482.730      361.562     -38.2550        2 5.68431
#>                      OW.PET daily.correction potential.melt
#> 2003-06-30 04:00:00 6.30455                1        117.654
#> 2004-06-30 04:00:00 5.89993                1        118.251
#> 2004-09-30 04:00:00 5.68431                1        109.244