Rewrites a Raven rvp file with placeholder parameter values.

  rvp_file = NULL,
  rvp_outfile = NULL,
  ost_outfile = "ostIn.txt",
  params_calibration = NULL,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  RavenParamsFile = system.file("extdata", "RavenParameters.dat", package = "RavenR")



path to the model *.rvp file


file path to rewritten rvp file


file path to Ostrich input file


vector of parameters to include in the calibration


whether to overwrite an existing template file (default FALSE)


path to RavenParameters.dat file (default path points to file included with RavenR installation)


TRUE if the function executed successfully


Here, the rvp file is replaced with generic placeholder values to create a template file, which is commonly required for model calibration. Although parameters may be found in other Raven input files, this command focuses on the rvp file. Other parameters (such as gauge corrections in RVT or subbasin-level corrections in the RVH file) must be done manually.

The Raven rvp file may be generated from the rvn_rvp_fill_template function.

The list of parameters to be calibrated may be provided by the user (via params_calibration argument), or determined by RavenR. The intent of this function is to provide a functional example of an RVP template file that may be used in calibration, not a high quality calibration with clever selection of parameters to use. It is highly recommended to build from the RVP template file created using expert hydrologic modelling knowledge.

If rvp_outfile is not provided, Raven will attempt to write to the file prefix of the provided template file with a .rvp.tpl extension. If there is a conflict with an existing file and overwrite==FALSE, the function will automatically overwrite a file with the suffix "_ravenr_generated.rvp.tpl".

Similarly with ost_outfile, the parameter default/min/max values and other Ostrich inputs will be written based on a default template file to the ostIn.txt (or other provided file name). If this is set to NULL, the file will not be written.

The default parameter values come from the RavenParameters.dat file included with RavenR in the extdata folder. The user may provide their own file with updated values if preferred. Note that the database files held in the RavenR package are unofficial copies of those in the official Raven SVN, and any discrepancies should defer to the Raven SVN versions.

Any parameters not found in this file will be ignored and a warning provided.

If you find parameters not found by this function, please open an ticket on Github (

See also

rvn_rvi_getparams to get parameter ranges from rvi.


# write rvp from template file
rvp_tempfile <- tempfile(fileext=".rvp")
rvn_rvp_fill_template(rvi_file=system.file("extdata","Nith.rvi", package="RavenR"),
                      rvh_file=system.file("extdata","Nith.rvh", package="RavenR"),
                      rvp_template_file =system.file("extdata","nithmodel.rvp_temp.rvp", package="RavenR"),
#> [1] TRUE

# setup calibration rvp template and ostin file
ost_tempfile <- tempfile(fileext=".txt")
rvptpl_tempfile <- tempfile(fileext=".rvp.tpl")
#> Warning: SNOW_SWI_MIN and SNOW_SWI_MAX parameters should be tied to ensure MIN <= MAX
#> Warning: MIN_MELT_FACTOR and MAX_MELT_FACTOR parameters should be tied to ensure MIN <= MAX
#> Warning: Additional updates required to ostIn.txt, including renaming file pairs, checking diagnostics, etc.
#> [1] TRUE