A dataset formatted to the xts package, read in by the forcings.read function. The dataset contains the typical columns from the Raven outputted ForcingFunctions.csv file, available for download in the Raven Tutorials (linked below).



rvn_forcing_data is a data frame with two object


various forcing functions and related output from Raven model


units associated with each variable in forcings

rvn_forcing_data$forcings is an xts (time series) object with 731 rows and 21 variables, containing data from 2002-10-01 to 2004-09-30. The details of each forcing function can be found in the Raven Manual

  • day_angle

  • rain

  • snow

  • temp

  • temp_daily_min

  • temp_daily_max

  • temp_daily_ave

  • temp_monthly_min

  • temp_monthly_max

  • air_dens

  • air_pres

  • rel_hum

  • cloud_cover

  • ET_radiation

  • SW_radiation

  • LW_radiation

  • wind_vel

  • PET

  • OW_PET

  • daily_correction

  • potential_melt

The Nith River model can be downloaded from the Raven Tutorials (tutorial #2) http://www.civil.uwaterloo.ca/jrcraig/Raven/Downloads.html

See also

rvn_forcings_read for reading in forcing functions output files

rvn_forcings_plot for plotting forcing functions in a convenient way